Saturday, January 08, 2011

. pain

Pain pinches the softest muscle of your heart and blocks all the positivities that can encourage your mind. It tells your whole body to stop and to just stare as the whole world around you goes by. It makes you crunch in one corner of the bed and realize you’re starting to love sleeping horizontally on the bed. Sometimes, it makes you think of sleeping and waking up only after 10 years. Pain has the power to introduce to you the word FEAR which you bypassed when all things began. It leads you to doubt until you finally lose all your faith. You try your very best to fight it off but pain seems to creep in every part of your body, every aspect of your life and in every corner of your world.

Pain sucks out every inch of hope and inspiration that has built you and has filled you. It covers all amount of victory you once had and makes you wonder if you’ll get by this once again. Pain seems to overwrite all intelligence, degrees, trainings, and achievement you’ve been busy with. Pain makes you hear nothing. Pain makes you lose your clock.

It makes you come into a fetal position…eyes wide open, staring at the blank wall, mind freezing
… heart slowly crushing and no matter how numb you feel…and how slowly you die down… tears fall.

. Pain

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