Thursday, July 13, 2006

Then God remembered...

That was a phrase that caught our attention in Bible Intro class. It gave questions and points to ponder while walking through the book of Exodus. Slavery? Plagues? Deliverance? Wilderness? Covenant? Another book showing life is a journey…

After God used dysfunctional families and broken ones in Genesis and now a series of hardship in the wilderness… one thing is always dominant. God never leaves. Might be quiet or silent but always present. He’s working things out for us.

During those times, the Israelites keep on sinning… but the Lord keeps on forgiving. Those were the times when they almost lost hope… where is this promise land? They were impatient… when will providence come? They didn’t want direction… we’ll have it our way! But God keeps on blessing them.

That made me think. I have been impatient, is still impatient, I am not worthy to be called His child, I’ve doubted Him at times… and many times I keep maneuvering things on my own direction. And most of the time, I choose the things I enjoy rather than to listen to His voice.

Some hardships, I believe, are consequences of my mistakes, while some I believe the Lord allows to happen to catch my attention. But through all these… God still remembers. He never allows me to suffer long. On the condition that I get the point, that I get the why and I move on to the what-to-do. He gives me blessings in different ways which is more than I expect of.

When in pain, that’s when I enjoy Him the most. He never forgets to remind me of His love… He does this in amazing ways. Just like what happened in the Old Testament… when “God remembered” means He never forgets. I know He’s always there.

Like the Israelites, after hardship & trials in the wilderness, their next generation enjoys the abundance of the promise land. And I hold on to that. God is always my home… the place in my heart where I always go back to. He is the king of my heart and the lover of my soul. Always in Him do I find refuge. And always in His arms I find the greatest comfort. The most wonderful home that soothes me and takes away the fears, and the pains… if I will fully trust Him, then what harm could put me down? What pain could eat me out? And what trial could fold my knees? Nothing. And no one is greater than Him. I may lose them all but not Him.
God remembers me always… I just have to hold on… God never forgets.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Amen to that. :)

Our God, Jesus, is absolutely faithful.

Keep on persevering. I am too :).