There should be more to this…
What occurred over the past few days are all… in reality…very overwhelming. But I refuse to be overwhelmed. I am talking to myself and setting my mind not to go overboard. Women tend to do that. Women would go over than what actually happened and think way ahead of whatever there is now. Most men wouldn’t think that way. I just want to spend time remembering over and over again what happened and let it stay that way… for now. I hope.
Yet I don’t have plans of forgetting all that happened over the 7 days that I spent across the ocean. For me, the more I get contented with one moment, another great thing happen on top of it. Until I realize that to compile them all, it is one great story. It was the best week of my life. I’ve never been this thankful that whenever I think of it… I cry happy tears.
On our way across the ocean, I only had one prayer that in this trip God will show me a confirmation enough for me to stay in this journey with him. I’ve never ever felt this way for so many years. The many years that I depended on myself and did everything myself, here comes someone offering a hand.
I don’t know what but maybe it was the way you looked at my eyes, or the way you held and pressed my hand, or the way you hugged me close to you that told me you’re actually here by my side. Was it the whispers you gave me or the fact that you showed your care? Maybe it was when you covered the window to protect me from the sun or when you wanted me close during the journey. There was something there… there must be more to those things that happened.
Or could it be the way we had plain joy and fun playing and joking around with each other, walking hand in hand exploring a whole new different place that made it all extremely memorable… maybe that added to it.
Your good night the first day and your good morning the second day, and the personal good nights and good mornings each day that I opened my eyes gave me more than joy. Anything more than that is like a bonus from God. It was across the ocean that God gave me simple joys through you. I believe that they were the confirmations and the many things about what you showed me that left me in awe.
All these are memories I don’t ever want to forget. It is the first time I felt like crying because of joy with just these actions… Every time I thank God because of what happened to us… tears fall down and my heart jumps. This time alone...while we were across the ocean, gave so much joy to my life.
If this is God’s confirmation then I am willing to stay and wait…